Breather membrane and breathable roofing felt avoid roof condensation
The trouble with exterior house paint or building felts/papers is that degrades over time, allowing water to ingress into your home. So every few years the whole process has to be repeated to protect your property.
KangDa Breathable Roofing Foil (C90-160)
If you have any questions about any of the products in our range, our team of experts are on hand to provide free and impartial advice. Alternatively, order breather membrane and breathable roofing feltonline today from Ashbrook Roofing. Place your before 2pm and we’ll deliver your order the very next day.
KangDa vapour barrier roof membrane
"Features: 1/,Excellent performance at water resistance . 2/,Light and thin,antiskid,with good low temperature flexibility,suitable for construction in different condition. 3/,Improve water-tightness of building,protect the construction from the invasion of wind and rain,protecting the structural materials and equipments inside roof and wall. 4/,High tensile strength and elongation rate,highly flexibility at low temperature. 5/,Used for roof construction for sloping roof of the wall curtain,profiled steel sheet,steel (wood) structure, masonry and so on.
KangDa Breawarf Diffiusion Foils (C120)
I am Mr. Clock, contact me at sales(at)