breathable watrproof membrane roof underlayment suitable for all kinds of architectural roofing
"KangDa" breathable membrane has excellent performance at water resistance, high vapour permeability, Good performance at UV resistance and 100% recyclable polymer materials, fit the ecologist requirements.
KangDa Breathable Roofing Underlay (C90-160)
"Breathable membranes for walls tend to be of a generally lower specification than those used within roofs due to the nature of the application. Normally a roof breather would also be suitable as a high specification wall breather, but a wall breather would almost certainly not be suitable for use in a roof.
KangDa vapour barrier roof membrane
Breathable membrane is a synthetic roof underlay for use under pitched roof claddings. It reduces drafts and assists in moisture management.
KangDa Breawarf Diffiusion Foils (C120)
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