Breather Membranes for Timber Frame, SIP and wall panel system designs
Breathable water resistant film reduces the risk of condensation when compared with conventional kraft papers.
KangDa KangDa Underlay
Another way to look at the way these products operate is to understand that their key function is not just to allow a building to breath, despite their name, as a building would happily be very breathable without any membrane in place at all!
KangDa vapour barrier roof membrane
Protect your buildings with waterproof, breathable wall membrane. Kangda Breathable Membrane totally impervious to wind, rain, sleet and snow, while still remaining breathable, which allows moisture that builds-up within your house to escape.
KangDa Breawarf Diffiusion Foils (C120)
I am Mr. Clock, contact me at sales(at)